The community member is experiencing an issue with their Python, Scrapy, and Apify scrapers, where they are receiving an "AttributeError: 'AsyncioSelectorReactor' object has no attribute '_handleSignals'" error when creating a new build, but the previous build runs fine. Another community member suggests that this is due to a recent update to the Twisted library, which is a Scrapy requirement. The solution provided is to add the constraint Twisted < 23.0.0 to the requirements.txt file of the project. The community member confirms that this solution worked.
Hi, I am writing scraper's in Python, Scrapy and Apify. I have multiple actors that were working great till last night but suddenly today when I create a new build and start to run they give error "AttributeError: 'AsyncioSelectorReactor' object has no attribute '_handleSignals'". This is same for all the scrapers if I just run the previous build they run fine. How can I fix this?