I just tested out the apify/instagram-scraper. Specifically, the profile data retrieval part of it. But unfortunately it doesn't have some data I need. I can get the data I need by going to: https://www.instagram.com/{username}/?__a=1&__d=dis, but this supposedly requires me to be logged in, so I turned to apify to see if I could scrape the same data I need. Attached is an image that has the data I'm looking for, highlighted-
Is it possible to scrape this data through apify, ideally through a pre-built actor in the store already?
If it matters, one way I found to get this data programmatically- it's possible to use a cURL get request with a sessionid cookie in the header set to a real session id from a logged in account (the url being https://www.instagram.com/{username}/?__a=1&__d=dis of course)
Session is login hash and login-based scraping for Meta services was removed permanently from Apify last year because of legal reasons. Is it still worth for you to add this data? We know that most of the time values set to empty without login and so far there is no way around.