Apify Discord Mirror

Updated 4 months ago

Passing fingerprint.com bot protection locally but not on Apify

At a glance
The community member is scraping a website that uses fingerprint.com bot protection. Their code passes the protection 95% of the time locally, but never when running on the Apify platform. To bypass the protection, they have implemented various measures such as using Firefox, incognito pages, fingerprint randomization, and spoofing browser properties. They have also tried using residential proxies, including the more expensive RESIDENTIAL5 tier, but with mixed results. The community members are seeking feedback on their implementation and suggestions on how to reliably bypass the bot protection on the Apify platform.
Useful resources
The site I'm scraping uses fingerprint.com bot protection. Locally my code passes the protection 95% of the time, but when running the actor on Apify it never does. How is that possible?

To pass this protection I've implemented the following measures (complete code in next message), this was a bit of trial and error, so all feedback welcome:
  • Browser Configuration
    • Using Firefox instead of Chrome/Chromium
    • Using incognito pages (useIncognitoPages: true)
    • Enabled fingerprint randomization (useFingerprints: true)
  • Random Viewport/Screen Properties
    • Random window dimensions (1280-1920 x 720-1080)
    • Random device scale factor (1, 1.25, 1.5, or 2)
    • Random mobile/touch settings
    • Random color scheme (light/dark)
  • Locale and Timezone Randomization
    • Random locale from 8 different options
    • Random timezone from 8 different global locations
  • Browser Property Spoofing
    • Removing navigator.webdriver flag
    • Random navigator.plugins array
    • Random navigator.platform
    • Random navigator.hardwareConcurrency (4-16)
    • Random navigator.deviceMemory (2-16GB)
    • Random navigator.languages
    • Random navigator.maxTouchPoints
  • Chrome Detection Evasion
    • Removing Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP) detection properties (cdcadoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl*)
  • Performance Timing Randomization
    • Modifying performance.getEntries() to add random timing offsets
    • Randomizing both startTime and duration of performance entries
  • Proxy Usage
    • Using residential proxies (groups: ['residential'])
Plain Text
const proxyConfiguration = await Actor.createProxyConfiguration({
    groups: ['residential'],

const crawler = new PlaywrightCrawler({
    navigationTimeoutSecs: 180,
    handleRequestTimeoutSecs: 180,
    launchContext: {
        useIncognitoPages: true,
        launcher: firefox,
    browserPoolOptions: {
        useFingerprints: true,
        prePageCreateHooks: [
            (_pageId, _browserController, pageOptions = {}) => {
                const width = 1280 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 640);
                const height = 720 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 360);
                const locales = ['en-US', 'en-GB', 'fr-FR', 'de-DE', 'es-ES', 'it-IT', 'nl-NL', 'pt-BR'];
                const timezones = [

                Object.assign(pageOptions, {
                    locale: locales[Math.floor(Math.random() * locales.length)],
                    timezoneId: timezones[Math.floor(Math.random() * timezones.length)],
                    viewport: { width, height },
                    screen: { width, height },
                    colorScheme: Math.random() > 0.5 ? 'light' : 'dark',
                    deviceScaleFactor: [1, 1.25, 1.5, 2][Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)],
                    isMobile: Math.random() > 0.9,
                    hasTouch: Math.random() > 0.7,
Plain Text
    preNavigationHooks: [
        async ({ page }) => {
            await page.addInitScript(() => {
                const randomInt = (min: number, max: number) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

                Object.defineProperties(Navigator.prototype, {
                    webdriver: { get: () => undefined },
                    plugins: {
                        get: () => {
                            const pluginCount = randomInt(3, 10);
                            return new Array(pluginCount).fill({
                                name: ['PDF Viewer', 'Chrome PDF Viewer', 'WebKit built-in PDF'][Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)],
                                description: 'Portable Document Format',
                                filename: 'internal-pdf-viewer',
                    platform: {
                        get: () => ['Win32', 'MacIntel', 'Linux x86_64', 'Linux aarch64'][Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)],
                    hardwareConcurrency: { get: () => randomInt(4, 16) },
                    deviceMemory: { get: () => [2, 4, 8, 16][Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)] },
                    languages: {
                        get: () => ['en-US', 'en', 'es', 'fr'].slice(0, randomInt(1, 3)),
                    maxTouchPoints: { get: () => (Math.random() > 0.7 ? randomInt(1, 5) : 0) },

                interface ExtendedWindow extends Window {
                    cdc_adoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl_Array?: unknown;
                    cdc_adoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl_Promise?: unknown;
                    cdc_adoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl_Symbol?: unknown;
Plain Text
                delete (window as ExtendedWindow).cdc_adoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl_Array;
                delete (window as ExtendedWindow).cdc_adoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl_Promise;
                delete (window as ExtendedWindow).cdc_adoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl_Symbol;

                const originalGetEntries = Performance.prototype.getEntries;
                Performance.prototype.getEntries = function () {
                    const entries = originalGetEntries.call(this);
                    return entries.map((entry) => {
                        const randomOffset = Math.random() * 50;
                        return {
                            startTime: entry.startTime + randomOffset,
                            duration: entry.duration + (Math.random() * 20),
    requestHandler: async ({ page }) => {
        await handleRequest(page);
Plain Text
# Specify the base Docker image. You can read more about
# the available images at https://crawlee.dev/docs/guides/docker-images
# You can also use any other image from Docker Hub.
FROM apify/actor-node-playwright-firefox:20 AS builder

# Check preinstalled packages
RUN npm ls crawlee apify puppeteer playwright

# Copy just package.json and package-lock.json
# to speed up the build using Docker layer cache.
COPY --chown=myuser package*.json ./

# Install all dependencies. Don't audit to speed up the installation.
RUN npm install --include=dev --audit=false

# Next, copy the source files using the user set
# in the base image.
COPY --chown=myuser . ./

# Install all dependencies and build the project.
# Don't audit to speed up the installation.
RUN npm run build

# Create final image
FROM apify/actor-node-playwright-firefox:20

# Check preinstalled packages
RUN npm ls crawlee apify puppeteer playwright

# Copy just package.json and package-lock.json
# to speed up the build using Docker layer cache.
COPY --chown=myuser package*.json ./

# Install NPM packages, skip optional and development dependencies to
# keep the image small.
RUN npm --quiet set progress=false \
    && npm install --omit=dev --omit=optional \
    && echo "Installed NPM packages:" \
    && (npm list --omit=dev --all || true) \
    && echo "Node.js version:" \
    && node --version \
    && echo "NPM version:" \
    && npm --version \
    && rm -r ~/.npm

# Copy built JS files from builder image
COPY --from=builder --chown=myuser /home/myuser/dist ./dist

# Next, copy the remaining files and directories with the source code.
# Since we do this after NPM install, quick build will be really fast
# for most source file changes.
COPY --chown=myuser . ./

# Run the image. If you know you won't need headful browsers,
# you can remove the XVFB start script for a micro perf gain.
CMD ./start_xvfb_and_run_cmd.sh && npm run start:prod --silent
Hello! Are you using a headless browser locally? Do you start the scraper with apify run? You could also try the RESIDENTIAL5 proxy tier, which works better but is more expensive.
Thanks for having a look at this @Marco Yes, in both cases I used apify run and a headless browser. If I change to RESIDENTIAL5 proxies it no longer works locally, but with just RESIDENTIAL it does work locally. In neither case does it work on the Apify platform. If you want I can add you to the GitHub with the code if you want to have a look?

However, with another project RESIDENTIAL5 actually solved the bot protection, so thanks for that! I can however not find any documentation on this proxy type. Are there more?
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