ACTOR: Notifying actor process about imminent migration to another host.
2023-05-11T09:11:24.953Z ACTOR: Pulling Docker image from repository.
2023-05-11T09:11:37.483Z ACTOR: Creating Docker container.
2023-05-11T09:11:39.771Z ACTOR: Starting Docker container.
2023-05-11T09:11:40.450Z Starting X virtual framebuffer using: Xvfb :99 -ac -screen 0 1920x1080x24+32 -nolisten tcp
2023-05-11T09:11:40.453Z Executing main command
2023-05-11T09:11:41.155Z (node:61) ExperimentalWarning: The Node.js specifier resolution flag is experimental. It could change or be removed at any time.
2023-05-11T09:11:41.158Z (Use
node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created)
2023-05-11T09:11:42.693Z INFO System info {"apifyVersion":"3.1.2","apifyClientVersion":"2.6.4","crawleeVersion":"3.3.0","osType":"Linux","nodeVersion":"v16.20.0"}