Hey Guys, been trying to figure out how to integrate the following actors: 1. compass/crawler-google-places 2. vdrmota/contact-info-scraper 3. lukaskrivka/dedup-datasets.
What Im Looking To Do:
- Google Maps Scraper runs and the results from the dataset go to the ContactScraper to enrich the data (DONE Since they integrate using the APIFY INTEGRATION).
- After point 1. I have two datasets (one from Google Maps Scraper and the other from the Contact Scraper). I want to reference these datasets in the third actor (Dedup-Datasets) ,so it will merge/match the data into a clean output.
The issues are since the Dedup-Dataset Actor's input requires the numerical datasets IDs ( wont seem to accept variables for the data set)... This means I need to manually take the two datasets after each run and enter them into the third actor. I would like the variables from the two actor datasets to seamlessly pass to the third actor but cant really find a good workaround.
Help Would Be Appreciated!