Apify and Crawlee Official Forum

Pooya Khoshbakht
Pooya Khoshbakht
Offline, last seen 3 months ago
Joined September 25, 2024
Does anyone know when Parallel Scraping and Request Locking are comming to the python version?
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I'm making a simple app that gets updated information from a website.
This is inside a fastapi app and It uses AsyncIOScheduler to run the script every day,
The issue is since the crawl is already visited the main page, for the next call, It will not re visit the page.
I've did a lot of research but couldn't find a solution, other scrapers has someting like force= parameter to force the scrape.
How can we fource the UNPROCESSED to the request?
Here is the code
Plain Text
class Scraper:
    async def run_scraper(self):
        proxy_urls = process_proxy_file('proxy_list.txt')
        proxy_configuration = ProxyConfiguration(proxy_urls=proxy_urls)
        crawler = PlaywrightCrawler(proxy_configuration=proxy_configuration, headless=False, browser_type='chromium')

        async def request_handler(context: PlaywrightCrawlingContext) -> None:
            print('Handling request...')

            # Scrape logic here
            # Return scraped data if needed

        request = Request.from_url('https://crawlee.dev')
        await crawler.run([request])
        return "Example Scraped Data"
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