Apify Discord Mirror

Max Forbang
Max Forbang
Offline, last seen 7 days ago
Joined March 5, 2025
Getting an error for a basic crawler when passing in my starting arguments.

It says it the input must contain "url", which it does already.

Plain Text
2025-03-07T21:22:12.478Z ACTOR: Pulling Docker image of build aJ5w2MnrBdaZRxGeA from repository.
2025-03-07T21:22:13.611Z ACTOR: Creating Docker container.
2025-03-07T21:22:13.835Z ACTOR: Starting Docker container.
2025-03-07T21:22:14.208Z Starting X virtual framebuffer using: Xvfb :99 -ac -screen 0 1920x1080x24+32 -nolisten tcp
2025-03-07T21:22:14.210Z Executing main command
2025-03-07T21:22:15.368Z INFO  System info {"apifyVersion":"3.3.2","apifyClientVersion":"2.12.0","crawleeVersion":"3.13.0","osType":"Linux","nodeVersion":"v20.18.3"}
2025-03-07T21:22:15.498Z INFO  Starting the crawl process {"startUrls":[{"url":"https://salesblaster.ai"}],"maxRequestsPerCrawl":100,"datasetName":"default"}
2025-03-07T21:22:15.905Z ERROR Error running scraper: {"error":"Request options are not valid, provide either a URL or an object with 'url' property (but without 'id' property), or an object with 'requestsFromUrl' property. Input: {\n  url: { url: 'https://salesblaster.ai' },\n  userData: {\n    datasetName: 'default',\n    initialUrl: { url: 'https://salesblaster.ai' }\n  }\n}"}
1 comment
The python Crawlee + Playwright + Chrome template is broken.

Selecting this template and immediately building/running it on the Apify platform Web IDE results in a Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported error.