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Joined January 22, 2025
When using the EnqueueStrategy.SAME_HOSTNAME I noticed it does not work properly on non www urls.

In the debugger I noticed it passes origin to the _check_enqueue_strategy but it uses the context.request.loaded_url if available.
So every URL that is checked will mismatch because of the difference in hostname

I tested this with multiple urls with & without www prefix and got the same behaviour.
1 comment
I run Crawlee in a docker container. That docker container is used in a Jenkins task.
When starting the crawler I receive the following error:
Plain Text
    Browser logs:
      Chromium sandboxing failed!
      To avoid the sandboxing issue, do either of the following:
        - (preferred): Configure your environment to support sandboxing
        - (alternative): Launch Chromium without sandbox using 'chromiumSandbox: false' option

The full error log can be found in the attachment.
This error only occurs after upgrading crawlee[playwright] to 0.5.2

What are the advantages/disadvantages of launching Chromium without sandbox? How could I configure my environment to support sandboxing?
I have set up my handler that it only enqueue links that match on certain keywords Problem here is that I want the code to only check the URL Path and not the full URL.

To give an example:
Lets say I only want to enqueue links where the keyword "team" or "about" is part of the URL path.
When crawling www.example.com and it would find an url with www.example.com/team. I want that URL to queue.
When crawling www.my-team.com it would match on all urls on that website because team is part of the main url. But that is not the desired behaviour I want.

I thought of using a pre_navigation_hook and check there again with the following code, but I don't think it's possible to cancel a request that is already queued?
Plain Text
    parsed_url = urlparse(context.request.url)
    path_name = parsed_url.path

    results = _get_regex_matches(path_name)

    if not results:
            f'No match found for URL: {context.request.url} in path: '

In the docs I found something like await request_list.mark_request_as_handled(request) but I don't think I have any access to a request_list or something simular in the PlaywrightPreNavCrawlingContext

It would be great if someone can point me in the right direction!