Apify and Crawlee Official Forum

Updated 4 months ago

Linking an Actor to a repo from Azure DevOps Git

At a glance
I am having a lot of trouble trying to link an actor to a private repo from Azure DevOps. I created the public SSH key from the deploy keys link in the actor. However, I am not able to make it happen.

To provide context, the actor was developed by a third party who has the repo on his own Github repo. We created an Azure Devops repo and he pushed the code there.
I created a copy of the orginal actor and now want to link it to the repo residing in Azure Devops.

First red flag is that underneath the Git URL, it says that my URL (which is the ssh url from azure DevOps) is not an allowed value.

The instructions in apify mention that when using a private repo, the url format should have a username, however azure Git repos have the organization name. The format in the example provided is simple whereas the link in grabbing from azure has our organization name, container name and the name of the repo (without the .git file extension).

The build error says that it cannot read from the remote repository.

I apologize, I am new to both apify and azure Git repos so thank you in advance.
can you please help here
Hey , could you share the link to the actor?
Hi there, not certian if you want the URL to the actor or the unique name so here is both: globe_electric_org/homedepot-scraper-test
This the SSH link to the repo: git@ssh.dev.azure.com:v3/Globe-Electric/Comp%20Shop/Home%20Depot
and the error: git@ssh.dev.azure.com:v3/Globe-Electric/Comp%20Shop/Home%20Depot is not an allowed value
I thought it might be the spaces, but removing to test the field validation doesn't help.
If I remove some of the link so as to only have one forward slash, then the field validation passes.
just advanced to level 1! Thanks for your contributions! πŸŽ‰
For example: git@ssh.dev.azure.com:Comp%20Shop/Home%20Depot
So, to me, the problem is the repo link from Azure, but I don't know how to make it conform to what Apify is expecting.
thanks, I'll take a look
yeah, it looks like apify expects the url to have ":owner/repo.git" format. If you look at the build logs, you'll see that git@ssh.dev.azure.com:v3/Home%20Depot.git is used instead of git@ssh.dev.azure.com:v3/Globe-Electric/Comp%20Shop/Home%20Depot (the middle parts of the path are removed)
I'll ask the team what can be done about this and let you know
Hi , any luck with this?
Hi, sorry, no response yet
Hi, , I just got update from the team and this should be fixed by the end of next week 🀞.
Wow, amazing! Can't wait πŸ™‚
Hi was the team able to resolve the problem?
Hi Last message regarding this that I see, says it should be ready since the end of last week, does it still not work for you as expected?
It worked, thanks to everybody!
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