Sorry if the title isn't incredible. I had no idea how to describe what I'm about to say.
I'm using the
Google Maps Scraper Orchestrator
actor (
Which obviously means I'm also using the
Google Maps Scraper
I'm storing certain results from the dataset within firestore, however- my programmatic setup requires access to the location(s) variable used when running the actor- relating to each specific result, not the run as a whole.
Generating the location from the results' city / state / country is not viable for me,
or any other solution of this sort-
Because the Orchestrator actor merges the results retrieved from the corresponding Google Maps Scraper into a single dataset,
I can't easily figure out which results came from which location inputafaik, I can't add / edit data stored in the dataset directly from these actor's results.
The only other solution I can think of is implementing a way to find the related Google Maps Scraper's datasets, and viewing their inputs (instead of the orchestrator's). I'm sure there probably is a way to do this, but I'm sure it would get kind of messy.
Am I missing a low hanging fruit regarding a solution to this problem?
If not, I guess this post is also a feature request for the Orchestrator actor
Help and input appreciated. Thanks :)