pactRouter.addHandler('PACT_PRODUCT', async ({ page, log, request }) => { console.log('Scraping products'); try{ const site = 'WearPACT'; const title = await page.$eval('div.product-title', (element) => element.textContent?.trim()); const descriptions: string[] = []; const featureTexts = await page.$$eval('div.col-12.features.px-0 li', (lis) => => li.textContent?.trim()) ); featureTexts .filter((text): text is string => text !== undefined) .forEach((text) => descriptions.push(text)); const originalPrice = await page.$eval('div.dollar-reg', (element) => element.textContent?.trim()); const salePrice = await page.$eval('', (element) => element.textContent?.trim());
let shippingInfo; if (await page.$('')) { shippingInfo = await page.$eval('', (element) => element.textContent?.trim()); } else if (await page.$('')) { shippingInfo = await page.$eval('', (element) => element.textContent?.trim() ); } const reviewScore = (await page.$eval( 'span.avg-score.font-color-gray-darker', (element) => element.textContent?.trim() )) || ''; const reviewNumber = (await page.$eval( '', (element) => element.textContent?.trim() )) || ''; const productData = { url: request.loadedUrl, site, title, descriptions, originalPrice, salePrice, shippingInfo, reviewScore, reviewNumber, }; productList.push(productData); // Append productData to productList console.log('Scraped', productList.length, 'products'); // Read the existing data from the rawData.json file let rawData: any = {}; try { const rawDataStr = fs.readFileSync('rawData.json', 'utf8'); rawData = JSON.parse(rawDataStr); } catch (error) { console.log('Error reading rawData.json:', error); } // Append the new data to the existing data if (rawData.productList) { rawData.productList.push(productData); } else { rawData.productList = [productData]; } // Write the updated data back to the rawData.json file fs.writeFileSync('rawData.json', JSON.stringify(rawData, null, 2)); console.log('rawData.json updated for WearPACT'); }catch(error){ console.log('error scraping product') return } });
try { await page.waitForSelector('h1.product-single__title'); await page.waitForSelector('div.product-single__description.rte p'); await page.waitForSelector(''); await page.waitForSelector('div.bv_avgRating_component_container'); await page.waitForSelector('div.bv_numReviews_text'); } catch (error) { console.log('Error waiting for selectors:', error); return; // Skip this product if selectors are not found } try { const title = await page.$eval('h1.product-single__title', (element) => element.textContent?.trim() ?? ''); const descriptions = await page.$$eval('div.product-single__description.rte p', (elements) => => el.textContent?.trim() ?? '') ); const originalPrice = await page.$eval('', (element) => element.textContent?.trim() ?? ''); const salePrice = await page.$eval('', (element) => element.textContent?.trim() ?? '');
in a try-catch block should generally work:try { await page.waitForSelector(selector) // ... } catch (error) { console.log("The element didn't appear.") }