Apify Discord Mirror

Updated 7 months ago

Downloading an image using puppeteer example

At a glance
The community member is looking to incorporate a Puppeteer example that downloads images as a page is visited into their Crawlee scraper. The example code is provided, and a community member suggests that the code is from a specific step in a tutorial. Another community member provides an updated version of the code that can be used as a preNavigationHooks function in Crawlee to download images. There is no explicitly marked answer.
Useful resources
Hi, I found this simple example using Puppeteer, that downloads images as you visit the page and I'm wonderign how I can encorporate it into my crawlee scraper.

Plain Text
    this.page.on('response', async (response) => {
      const matches = /.*\.(jpg|png|svg|gif)$/.exec(response.url());


      if (matches && (matches.length === 2)) {
        const extension = matches[1];
        const buffer = await response.buffer();

        fs.writeFileSync(`downloads/${this.request.userData}.${extension}`, buffer, 'base64');
        counter += 1;
Okay I figured it out:
Plain Text
      preNavigationHooks: [
        async (crawlingContext, gotoOptions) => {
          const { page, request } = crawlingContext;


          page.on('response', async (response) => {
            const matches = /.*\.(jpg|png|svg|gif)$/.exec(response.url());

            if (matches && (matches.length === 2)) {
              const extension = matches[1];
              const buffer = await response.buffer();

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