hi apifyers,
i can't get ad-hoc webhooks connected to the "website-content-crawler" actor via js apify client.
i am building a array of objects like this and base64 encode it as a string and give it via webhooks param to the actor input config.
i also see the webooks value as a string in the input in the apify backend when the client is build and run but no integration was set up.
any clue what i do wrong. although there's documentation i am missing a more detailed example for the apify client js .
// List all possible actor run event types:
const actorRunEventTypes = [
// Create the webhooks for the actor run events
const webhookUrls = actorRunEventTypes.map((eventType) => ({
eventTypes: [eventType],
requestUrl: `${webhookUrl.origin}{webhookUrl.pathname}`,
payloadTemplate: {
userId: "{{userId}}",
createdAt: "{{createdAt}}",
eventType: "{{eventType}}",
eventData: "{{eventData}}",
resource: "{{resource}}",
resourceId: "{{resource.id}}",
console.log({ webhookUrls });
// Base64 encode webhookUrls to send along with the request
const encodedWebhookUrls = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(webhookUrls)).toString(
// Prepare Actor input
const input = {
startUrls: [
url: targetCrawlUrl,
useSitemaps: false,
crawlerType: "playwright:firefox",
includeUrlGlobs: [],
excludeUrlGlobs: [],
ignoreCanonicalUrl: false,
maxCrawlDepth: 1,
maxCrawlPages: 2,
initialConcurrency: 0,
maxConcurrency: 10,
initialCookies: [],
proxyConfiguration: {
useApifyProxy: true,
maxSessionRotations: 8,
maxRequestRetries: 5,
requestTimeoutSecs: 60,
dynamicContentWaitSecs: 10,
maxScrollHeightPixels: 5000,
'nav, footer, script, style, noscript, svg,\n[role="alert"],\n[role="banner"],\n[role="dialog"],\n[role="alertdialog"],\n[role="region"][aria-label*="skip" i],\n[aria-modal="true"]',
removeCookieWarnings: true,
clickElementsCssSelector: '[aria-expanded="false"]',
htmlTransformer: "readableText",
readableTextCharThreshold: 100,
aggressivePrune: false,
debugMode: false,
debugLog: false,
saveHtml: true,
saveMarkdown: true,
saveFiles: true,
saveScreenshots: true,
maxResults: 50,
clientSideMinChangePercentage: 5,
renderingTypeDetectionPercentage: 10,
webhooks: encodedWebhookUrls,
// Run the Actor and wait for it to finish
const apifyActorRunObject = await client