Hi there! What debugging options have you tried already? Have you tried to rebuild the actor to see whether it's passing? Have you tried to run it if the run runs successfully with your example input?
Please share any logs or screenshots you might have!
Yeah, it is working fine on my side with the input examples. But as you can see, only 2 out of 229 were successful. I do not have any idea about the others, as our users did not raise any issues. So, I cannot identify what is going on or see their runs.
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/apify/actor.py", line 638, in _push_data_internal 2024-05-03T16:26:04.603Z await dataset.push_data(data) 2024-05-03T16:26:04.605Z File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/apify/storages/dataset.py", line 178, in _push_data_internal 2024-05-03T16:26:04.607Z await self._dataset_client.push_items(chunk) 2024-05-03T16:26:04.610Z File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/apify_client/_logging.py", line 61, in async_wrapper 2024-05-03T16:26:04.612Z return await fun(resource_client, *args, **kwargs) 2024-05-03T16:26:04.613Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-05-03T16:26:04.615Z File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/apify_client/clients/resource_clients/dataset.py", line 903, in push_items 2024-05-03T16:26:04.617Z await self.http_client.call( 2024-05-03T16:26:04.619Z File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/apify_client/_http_client.py", line 265, in call 2024-05-03T16:26:04.620Z return await retry_with_exp_backoff_async( 2024-05-03T16:26:04.622Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-05-03T16:26:04.624Z File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/apify_client/_utils.py", line 97, in retry_with_exp_backoff_async 2024-05-03T16:26:04.626Z return await async_func(stop_retrying, attempt) 2024-05-03T16:26:04.628Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-05-03T16:26:04.630Z File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/apify_client/_http_client.py", line 263, in _make_request 2024-05-03T16:26:04.632Z raise ApifyApiError(response, attempt) 2024-05-03T16:26:04.634Z apify_client._errors.ApifyApiError: Any predicate failed with the following errors: 2024-6:04.636Z - Expected object body to be a plain object 202637Z - (array body) Expected object values to be a plain object
hi, there are debugging tools in works that would provide this information, for now we could find the runs manually that you would identify as troublesome